Engaging AI Moving Forward

Suggested time: 20 min

Discussion (15 min)

Let’s move from theory to action. Circling back to the video we watched and given what we have identified as both the promise and the drawbacks to systems such as the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) system, it’s clear we all need to critically engage with AI technologies.

Engagement can mean different things to different people. As we have seen throughout this learning circle, we all have different backgrounds and perspectives that determine where and how we encounter AI in our lives. In order to reflect the variety of the lives, experiences, and interests of not only you all but the many other people that will engage with this learning circle in the future, the designers of this learning circle have identified five AI Actions, or genres of engagements with AI, we can take moving forward:

Get Organized

Connect with organizations working to make technology more equitable, for example Data for Black Lives, the Design Justice Network, or Our Data Bodies.

Get Educated

Engage the social, political, and cultural impacts of AI, for example read Automating Inequality by Virginia Eubanks, or Algorithms of Oppression by Safiya Umjoa Noble.

Get Creative

Explore the intersections of AI in culture, arts, and media, for example by watching Coded Bias or exploring the work of artists like Stephanie Dinkins.

Get Political

Participate in government policy making efforts, for example get involved in the technology policy-making of your local city council.

Get Technical

Learn more about computer science, math, and engineering aspects of AI, for example taking online courses on data science or stats, coding bootcamps, or applied machine learning.

View AI Actions, a detailed resource outlining different initiatives aligned with the table above.

This is intended to be a living document for learners to connect and grow beyond their individual cohorts. Feel free to add resources you found useful, comment, and engage!

Closing the Circle (5 min)

We’ve reached the end of our learning circle! Thank you for participating and learning together, for experimenting with us, and for thinking about new ways in which technology can be improved to meet our shared societal goals.

Give each person the floor to share a final affirmation: one thing you appreciate about the learning circle and one thing you will take away and do differently now.

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