Wrap Up & Looking Forward

Suggested time: 5 min

To recap, here are the important concepts from Module 1:

Algorithm: an algorithm is a procedure that allows us to solve a problem without having to reinvent a solution each time. Getting ready for work or school in the morning, cooking great chicken soup, or troubleshooting the check-engine light in your car—these are all algorithms!

Artificial Intelligence: We get to Artificial Intelligence when steps and goals (algorithm) are used by a computer (artificial) to make decisions (intelligence) using data. This is how AI powers much of the technology we have come to rely upon in modern life. The key thing to remember is that Artificial Intelligence is always derived from “Everyday Intelligence” that all human beings possess. Just like everyday intelligence, AI is not simply an algorithm, it also involves data and decisions. Which AI is “best” depends on the goals we have for it and on its context of use.

Stakeholder: A stakeholder is an individual, a group, or an organization that may be affected by a decision, directly or indirectly. The effects of a decision can be positive or negative, depending on stakeholders’ values.

You can find a description of these and other concepts in the Glossary.

Module 2 will explore how computers can learn from data to arrive at new algorithms.

Closing reflections

Hearing a reflection from everyone in a meeting is a great way to round out your understanding of the learning materials and identify ways to improve future meetings. Depending on time, take a few minutes to write out 1–2 sentence responses to the following questions or take turns answering them out loud:

What is one thing you…

  1. Learned in today’s meeting?
  2. Liked about today’s meeting?
  3. Wish you could have changed about today’s meeting?
  4. Are confused about or want to learn about in a future meeting?

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