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0.5.0 - 2024-06-02

📝 SIGMOD Demo Paper

  • Virny demonstration paper was accepted and published at SIGMOD! 🎉🥳 Explore our work in the ACM digital library.
  title={Responsible Model Selection with Virny and VirnyView},
  author={Herasymuk, Denys and Arif Khan, Falaah and Stoyanovich, Julia},
  booktitle={Companion of the 2024 International Conference on Management of Data},

📖 Glossary

  • Our documentation was extended with a new "Glossary" section that provides:
    • Explanation of our approach for measuring model stability and uncertainty
    • Detailed description of the overall and disparity metrics computed by Virny

⚙️ More Features for Experimental Studies

  • Metric computation interfaces were extended with a new optional parameter - with_predict_proba. If set to False, Virny computes metrics only based on prediction labels, NOT prediction probabilities. Specifically, it can be useful in the case when a model cannot provide probabilities for its predictions. Default: True.

  • Metric computation interfaces were enabled to measure the computation runtime in minutes for each model. It can be particularly useful for a large experimental studies with thousands of pipelines to estimate their runtimes and to benchmark models between each other.

🗃 New Benchmark Fair-ML Datasets