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Compute stability and accuracy metrics for each model in models_config. Arguments are defined as an input config object. Save results to a database after each run appending fields and value from custom_tbl_fields_dct and using db_writer_func.

Return a dictionary where keys are model names, and values are metrics for sensitive attributes defined in config.


  • dataset (custom_classes.BaseFlowDataset)

    BaseFlowDataset object that contains all needed attributes like target, features, numerical_columns etc.

  • config

    Object that contains bootstrap_fraction, dataset_name, n_estimators, sensitive_attributes_dct attributes

  • models_config (dict)

    Dictionary where keys are model names, and values are initialized models

  • custom_tbl_fields_dct (dict)

    Dictionary where keys are column names and values to add to inserted metrics during saving results to a database

  • db_writer_func

    Python function object has one argument (run_models_metrics_df) and save this metrics df to a target database

  • postprocessor – defaults to None

    [Optional] Postprocessor object to apply to model predictions before metrics computation

  • with_predict_proba (bool) – defaults to True

    [Optional] True, if models in models_config have a predict_proba method and can return probabilities for predictions, False, otherwise. Note that if it is set to False, only metrics based on labels (not labels and probabilities) will be computed. Ignored when a postprocessor is not None, and set to False in this case.

  • notebook_logs_stdout (bool) – defaults to False

    [Optional] True, if this interface was execute in a Jupyter notebook, False, otherwise.

  • verbose (int) – defaults to 0

    [Optional] Level of logs printing. The greater level provides more logs. As for now, 0, 1, 2 levels are supported. Currently, verbose works only with notebook_logs_stdout = False.