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Analyzer to compute subgroup variance metrics using the defined post-processor.


  • postprocessor

    One of postprocessors from aif360 (

  • sensitive_attribute (str)

    A sensitive attribute to use for post-processing

  • base_model

    Base model for stability measuring

  • base_model_name (str)

    Model name like 'DecisionTreeClassifier' or 'LogisticRegression'

  • bootstrap_fraction (float)

    [0-1], fraction from train_pd_dataset for fitting an ensemble of base models

  • X_train (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)

    Processed features train set

  • y_train (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)

    Targets train set

  • X_test (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)

    Processed features test set

  • y_test (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)

    Targets test set

  • target_column (str)

    Name of the target column

  • dataset_name (str)

    Name of dataset, used for correct results naming

  • n_estimators (int)

    Number of estimators in ensemble to measure base_model stability

  • random_state (int) – defaults to None

    [Optional] Controls the randomness of the bootstrap approach for model arbitrariness evaluation

  • with_predict_proba (bool) – defaults to True

    [Optional] A flag if model can return probabilities for its predictions. If no, only metrics based on labels (not labels and probabilities) will be computed.

  • notebook_logs_stdout (bool) – defaults to False

    [Optional] True, if this interface was execute in a Jupyter notebook, False, otherwise.

  • verbose (int) – defaults to 0

    [Optional] Level of logs printing. The greater level provides more logs. As for now, 0, 1, 2 levels are supported.



Quantifying uncertainty of the base model by constructing an ensemble from bootstrapped samples and applying postprocessing intervention.

Return a dictionary where keys are models indexes, and values are lists of correspondent model predictions for X_test set.


  • boostrap_size (int)
  • with_replacement (bool)
  • with_fit (bool) – defaults to True

Measure metrics for the base model. Save results to a .csv file.


  • save_results (bool) – defaults to True
  • with_fit (bool) – defaults to True